Free Custom Box Template Optimized for A4 Regular Size Printers

Custom Box Template for A4 Printer FREE!


Download our FREE Regular A4 Printer Optimised
Custom Funko Pop Vinyl Box Template !

Based on Jake Cordova’s Awesome and Free Custom Box Template, our Custom Funko Pop Box Template is optimised for those who use a regular A4 home or small office printer. The zip file contains three editable Photoshop PSD Template files that you can edit to your liking, and print out on you home printer. You can then cut out and glue the pieces together to make your own custom box.
The Zip File also contains Dharma Type’s Free Bebas Neue font file which is almost identical to the font used on Funko’s Pop Vinyl Boxes.
Each file contains cutout lines that you can choose to print with the box to allow you to cut it out accurately. They also contain handy folding lines that you can also print if you choose, to assist you with folding the box correctly. Just toggle them off if you don’t need them.

Click below to download the FREE Zip File (173135 downloads )

For detailed instructions on how to assemble the box, see our INSTRUCTIONS HERE.

3 thoughts on “Free Custom Box Template Optimized for A4 Regular Size Printers

  1. Beck says:


  2. Sarah Hayley says:

    Huh….will try this out

  3. antonio magana says:

    did u make one for small 2in1 office printers because i cant seem to get the right size and at this point im wasting ink

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